
How Quickly Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Jan 04, 2024

Shaving, waxing, plucking, tweezing, and using depilatory cream to remove unwanted hair may be effective, but they all have downsides. Fortunately, there is a safe, effective, and pain-free way to remove unwanted facial and...

How Quickly Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Shaving, waxing, plucking, tweezing, and using depilatory cream to remove unwanted hair may be effective, but they all have downsides. Fortunately, there is a safe, effective, and pain-free way to remove unwanted facial and body hair permanently. At RefineU MedSpa in Oklahoma City, OK, laser hair removal is one of our most popular aesthetic services, and for good reason.

How Quickly Does Laser Hair Removal Work? 

Laser hair removal starts working as soon as your first treatment session ends. Within a day or two, you will start seeing your destroyed hair follicles shedding their hair. However, it may take between five and 14 days before you feel satisfied with the appearance of your skin.

How long each treatment session takes depends on the size of the areas being treated and the number of areas being treated. Your session may only take five to 15 minutes if you want to treat a small area, like your chin or upper lip. If you want to treat several large areas, like your legs and back, your session will probably take around an hour to complete.


Before your laser therapy session begins, we will clean your treatment areas if they are free from irritation and you are in good overall health. Then, we will shave the treatment areas if necessary for optimal results. Once that’s done, we will give you eye protection. Once you’re completely prepared for treatment, rapid pulses of laser light will target the very pigmented hair follicles that are in the active growth stage. This is not painful.

How Many Treatment Sessions Will I Need To Achieve My Desired Results? 

Most people need to attend six to eight treatment sessions spaced four to six weeks apart before they can enjoy their desired results. This is because the hair follicles can only be targeted when they are in their growth phase, and not all hairs enter this phase at once. This is why you will need more sessions if you want to remove all the hairs in a certain area, and not merely reduce them. 

Another factor affecting how many sessions you will need is the area being targeted for treatment. You may only need six sessions to remove unwanted hair from your back, chest, or underarms. A dozen sessions may be required if you want to remove unwanted hair from your lower face. During your initial consultation, we will advise you on how many sessions you can expect to need.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Treatment? 

We will let you know if you are a good candidate for this treatment during your initial consultation. Laser therapy for unwanted hair removal is safe for people of all skin tones and types. However, we must consider several things before we can confirm your candidacy. For example, you should have realistic expectations about the treatment process and be able to follow all preparation and aftercare guidelines.

We also need to discuss your health thoroughly to ensure that there are no contraindications. For example, you will not be able to receive treatment if you have an active skin infection or skin that is infected or irritated at the time of your appointment. You also will not qualify for this treatment if you suffer from a condition that causes photosensitivity or skin cancer.


One of the most important preparation steps to take before your laser hair removal session is to avoid darkening your skin. You should avoid sunbathing because you could suffer from a sunburn, delaying your treatment until your skin heals. All other forms of tanning should also be avoided because this treatment is more effective when there is a significant contrast between the color of your skin and the color of your hair.

You will need more treatment sessions if you have fair hair and pale skin or dark hair and dark skin. It is also essential that you stop taking any medications that cause photosensitivity. Additionally, you may not use any other topical or oral medications that may affect your treatment. Furthermore, it is important that you arrive for your appointment with clean skin that is free from cosmetics and ensure you are hydrated and nourished.


There are many aftercare guidelines you must follow after your laser hair removal session. One vital aftercare guideline is to avoid sun exposure as much as possible. When sun exposure is unavoidable, you should wear strong sunscreen that protects you from all of the sun’s UV rays. Another essential rule you must follow is to avoid excessive heat exposure for three days post-treatment. Examples include: 

  • Dry saunas
  • Steam rooms
  • Extremely hot showers
  • Hot tubs

Furthermore, you must not engage in strenuous physical activity or other situations that result in heavy sweating for 24 hours following your treatment session. Additionally, you may not use any topical products that have the potential to irritate your skin. For instance, you should not use products containing retinol, glycolic acid, or AHAs. Scratching or picking at the treatment areas also must be avoided.


Once you have achieved your desired results, you can expect to enjoy them for a very long time. In most cases, the results of this hair removal treatment are permanent. However, under certain rare circumstances, your treated areas may grow new hair follicles and therefore grow new hair. For example, severe hormone imbalances can cause you to grow unwanted hair after your course of treatment.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

You will start seeing the results of laser hair removal within a couple of days of your session as the skin sheds the targeted hair. Though you may need several treatment sessions to get rid of all your unwanted hair, you should enjoy long-lasting results within a year of your first session. To learn more about this safe, effective treatment, contact us today at RefineU MedSpa in Oklahoma City, OK to schedule an initial consultation.